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Japanese Language Classes- N5, N4, N3 N2 and N1 Course


The courses in Kyodai Academy have been designed to meet the standard of Japanese communication to study and work in Japan. We provide both theory and practical classes that cover all events and life style and work culture in Japan.


Japanese language Basic course (Level N5)

Duration: Approximately 160 Hours

The N5 level enables a student to give self-introduction and understand basic sentences and typical expressions written in Hiragana, Katakana, and basic Kanji and will be able to communicate in everyday life situation. A N5 student needs to learn about 100 kanji Characters and 800 vocabularies. This level qualifies a student to apply for a visa for Japan as a student or work under TITP program.

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Japanese Language Elementary Course (Level N4)

Duration: Approximately 160 Hours

It is equivalent to A2 lever of JFT (Japan Foundation Test). A N4 student needs to learn about 800 kanji Characters and 1500 vocabularies. This level helps student to engage in simple conversation with native speakers. The completion of this course makes students eligible to apply for working visa under SSW project.

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Japanese Language Intermediate Course (Level N3)

Duration: Approximately 180 Hours

The JLPT N3 certification acts as a nice intermediate-level bridge between the easier levels and the harder levels of the JLPT. It will prepare students for the more difficult stuff covered in N2 and N1! To master this level, one must have the knowledge of approximately 1200 vocabulary words and 350 kanji besides what they have already learned in N5 and N4. The vocabulary words and kanji covered in the N3 include basic nouns and verbs from N4 and N5, as well as more complex terms necessary to understand slightly difficult written materials such as newspaper headlines.

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Japanese Language Pre-advance Course (Level N2)

Duration: Approximately 180-200 Hours

JLPT N2 course is where things start to get more complicated and is described as the ability to understand Japanese in everyday situations, and in a variety of circumstances to a certain degree. JLPT N2 course is the advanced course for those who already completed JLPT N3 course. This course includes around 1000 Kanji and advanced elements of grammar and about 6000 words including what are learnt in previous levels. Completion of this course enable people to take part in business conversation in Japanese and to listen, read, write and speak advanced sentences in Japanese.

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Japanese Language Advanced Course (Level N1)

Duration: Approximately 180-200 Hours

JLPT N1 Japanese course is the native level course for those who already completed JLPT N2 course or certification. This is the highest level of the JLPT test By the time a student completes this level he/ she will have mastered around 2100 Kanji characters and 10000 vocabulary. Completing this highest level proves that a student has a high level of Japanese language that allows themto understand this language in many circumstance, At N1, you are practically bilingual.

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Language and skill development course for SSW Visa

Duration: 230Hrs

This special course is designed to meet the requirement of SSW Visa. This course includes basic theoretical and practical classes of skill of the job they desire to take, along with the knowledge of N4 level of Japanese language.

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Special Test Preparation Course

Duration: 60 to 65 hours

This course is specially designed for JFT test Preparation. Those students who have already completed JFT A2 course or JLPT N4 course and are waiting for the Test can take this course. Students who have been unsuccessful in the previous test and preparing for the next test can also take this course. The course is based on various drills in each segment of the tests with frequent tests to prepare them succeed in the test. We prepare you increase your confidence in facing the exam and succeed in the exam.

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